Austin Meyer Presents X-Plane 10!

Tyler Young

At FSweekend 2011, Austin Meyer, creator of X-Plane, gave a presentation–not just any presentation, mind you, but unveiling of the first full beta of X-Plane 10. Austin discusses what sets X-Plane apart from other flight simulators, as well as what sets X-Plane 9 apart from X-Plane 10.

Other topics of the 90-minute talk include:

  • the plausible scenery model,
  • the ability of X-Plane 10 to use many CPU cores,
  • air traffic control,
  • sky, clouds, and scenery,
  • lighting, and
  • weather modeling.

You can watch Part 1 right here:

[youtube width=”600″ height=”335″][/youtube]

To watch parts 2-6, use the following links:

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