Reviews of X-Plane

What do other people think?

X-Plane is the world’s most comprehensive, powerful flight simulator. X-Plane has the most realistic flight model available for personal computers. X-Plane, X-Plane, X-Plane, blah, blah, blah.

Let’s face it. We could tell you about the simulator all day—why we feel it’s the best aviation software on the market, why it has the most powerful flight model, why it’s easily expandable, and on and on. When it comes down to it, though, it’s not about whether we think it’s the best—it’s about whether you think it’s the best.

Obviously, you can’t know for sure what you’ll think until you’ve actually used it. The X-Plane 10 demo is an excellent resource. However, the reviews below should help you decide if the sim is worth your time.

(Do we need to mention how confident we are of your conclusion?)

Most apparent [among X-Plane 10’s upgrades] is the use of full 3-D scenery . . . that follows the roads as they snake through the landscape. The result is very plausible cities: it’s really neat to fly over fully 3-D houses in residential areas, and generated skyscrapers in more urban locales. X-Plane 10 also includes real roads . .  that look a whole lot better than those previously offered in the simulation.
Out of Eight Review

I really think that X-Plane 10 represents a jump ahead in the X-Plane world as far as development and innovation is concerned . . . [X-Plane 10 Global] is a strong contender in the simulation market as it includes the entire world! — AVSIM Online Review

Try it yourself—for free!

Interested? Go ahead. Give it a try. Download the demo today and experience flight simulation as it was meant to be—incredibly accurate, and incredibly beautiful. Or, if you’re ready to move up to the full version, order X-Plane 10 Global from us and get the full version of the simulator for Mac OS X, Windows, and Linux.

Download the demo Buy X-Plane 10 Global

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