The X-Plane 9 application is now available for Android OS mobile devices!
The easiest way to purchase the app is to click here, bringing up the X-Plane page on the Android Web Market. Purchasing the application there will cause it to automatically download on your phone after a few moments.
Alternatively, scanning the QR code to the right with an Android phone’s camera will bring up the app page in the Market automatically.
For more info, including the pre-release teaser video of the Nexus One running the simulator, see the X-Plane for Android page.
Bear in mind that this release is not taking away from X-Plane 10 development; X-Plane for Android has been “in the can,” so to speak, for some time now. For the full story behind the app, see our developer Ben Supnik’s blog post here.
To learn more about X-Plane for Android, see the X-Plane for Android page.