Developer Spotlight: Ntr09

Thomson Meeks

Howdy, folks!

This week we have interviewed Ntr09, who has made several scenery packages in the Tennessee area. He chose to begin there because that is where he takes flight lessons in real life. He began creating scenery a few months ago after seeing some of the amazing work done by frede and royaloak. While taking lessons around the Crossville area (KCSV) he flies a C172 and occasionally a PA28-151 Warrior. So far he is most proud of his model of Upper Cumberland Regional (KSRB). He uses WED 1.2 on Ubuntu for scenery development. Next up on his list is Portland, TN (1M5). His creations make it very clear that he truly enjoys bringing scenery to life. If you would like to check out his work, download his Jamestown Municipal Airport scenery.



See you guys later!


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