Day 4 – Bell 47 Ride

Thomson Meeks

Day 4 –  The Bell 47s!


You know the old TV show M.A.S.H.?  It’s a classic.  It also made the Bell 47 super recognizable.  Here at AirVenture, there are 4 of them that take people on short tours of the show from the Pioneer Airport (right behind the museum).  Unlike most of the other rides you can take here in Oshkosh, it’s not super pricey, about $50.  The tours aren’t very long though, approx. 5 mins, but every second there is something interesting to look at!  From the endless campers in Camp Scholler to the C-17 on display on the Boeing Plaza.  Don’t be dissuaded by the short duration of the flight – there is nothing like Airventure from the air.  More than 40,000 camp sites at Camp Scholler.  10,000 airplanes parked all around Whittman Field.  Everything that flys is on display here.  You’ll walk 10 miles a day to take it in by foot (no kidding).  The Bell 47 will show you the entire scene and blow your mind in just a few minutes.  I was warned not to take too many photos and just enjoy the flight.  I opted to photograph the scene for you, maybe I need to take a second ride tomorrow and just drink it all in!

Airshow from the air DSC_1755 DSC_1753 DSC_1747 DSC_1720 DSC_1718 DSC_1716


Have fun!


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