January 2020’s Best X-Plane Add-Ons

Thomson Meeks

Here are some of our favorite add-ons from the month of January, 2020.


Aviotek and JustAsia released Verona Villafranca Airport (LIPX) this month.

Evansville Regional Airport by X-Codr is now available to the public on the X-Plane.org store. This small regional airport has been modeled with stellar attention to detail and seasonal textures.


Carenado has released a gorgeous classic, a Cessna C170B. The Physical Based Rendering system in X-Plane really brings the raw metal liveries of this model to life!


Advanced Flight Modeling Simulation released a G5 PFD/HSI plugin this month to be used in unison with RealSimGear’s newly release hardware product.


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