Q&A with Gateway Artist pedromagueija

Jennifer Roberts

Pedro Magueija is an Airport Scenery Gateway artist located in Switzerland. We found out more about what motivates him to create X-Plane scenery.

Q: Where are you located?
A: I’m originally from Portugal near Porto (LPPR), but I currently live in Switzerland near Zurich (LSZH).

Q: Why did you choose X-Plane as your flight simulator?
A: I was returning to flight simulation after a break, and was looking for a modern and accurate simulator. When I found X-Plane with the superior flight model, modern architecture and great visuals I was impressed. But one more thing stood out. And that was how easy it was to create default scenery for the simulator.

Q: What motivates you to develop X-Plane scenery?
A: There always a “warm feeling” when flying over an area and knowing that down there we can find great scenery. I fly online a lot, and having accurate layouts and a plausible airport greatly increases the overall experience.

Q: Do you have a favorite airport that you have submitted to the Gateway?
A: I have many. If I had to pick just one I’d always pick my home airport LPPR. But I’m also very fond of LPPT. Outside Portugal, that would be LEBL and LFBO.

Q: Do you have any advice for newbie Gateway artists?
A: Yes, the first being, don’t be discouraged if something seems “hard”. Thanks to the excellent evolution of WED, Janov’s tutorials, a thorough online manual, and the invaluable community of Gateway artists, creating Gateway scenery is a very rewarding experience

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