June 2020 – Mobile MMO is Here

Hello there!

X-Plane Mobile massive multiplayer passed through beta testing with flying colors, so we’re happy to announce it’s releasing today! Your input can help us decide what feature to focus on next, so be sure to complete our poll linked below. We also saw some stunning add ons come out for X-Plane on desktops last month too!

Upcoming Dates

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, events worldwide are being cancelled to keep attendees safe. We will be adjusting our team’s event and travel schedules accordingly, and we’ll keep you posted on the latest through this newsletter, and on our social media channels.

Mobile’s Massive Multiplayer Released

X-Plane Mobile MMO Release Video

The latest update for X-Plane Mobile is rolling out today! This releases the new massive multiplayer online (MMO) system to everyone, and users with a subscription can start using it immediately. The new MMO completely revamps how multiplayer works in X-Plane, and we now have:

  • A single shared world: Fly with anyone in the world! It no longer matters if your friends are on iOS or Android, or if they live down the street or across the globe.
  • Fly-In of the Day: We feature a different, popular airport each day and prompt everyone to go there to ensure you always have people to fly with! (And if you just want to “plane spot,” which our head MMO dev says “turns out to be surprisingly fun!”, you can always start up at a gate
    and go to an external camera.)

MMO is early access, and we’re going to be iterating as fast as possible on it going forward. We’d love to know what you want to see most, so let us know by taking our poll!

Take the poll

May had an excellent group of scenery and aircraft releases for X-Plane for desktop. Check out our round up of the latest aircraft and scenery here!

May Addons

Tips & Tricks

We’ve moved into the next phase of our plan for perfecting the X-Plane 11.50 release: investigating blurry textures. If you’re participating in the beta and this has happened to you, follow these steps to investigate:

  1. Get a quick overview of where your VRAM is going by opening the VRAM Profiler from the Developer menu. The Overview tab will give you a very high level overview of what packages use how much of your VRAM.
  2. Then create a report if your VRAM is incorrectly utilized: go to Developer > Texture Browser. Under the Paging Info tab, click the Create Report button.
  3. Send us the report: it will be saved as a zip file
    in Output > diagnostic reports in your install, and have the time stamp for when you created it. Use the bug report form to send it & the matching log.txt to us.

Gateway News

We recently received an outstanding submission of Orlando Intl (KMCO) from Gateway artist Osprey12. This airport will be included by default in the X-Plane 11.50 update.

Happy flying!

— The X-Plane Team

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