If you’re ready for something a little different and want a change of pace from casual flight, check out these challenges. See how you would fare in emergency situations, or if you can best other players’ times on a race course. Find your favorite in over two dozen scenarios available in five different categories.
General Aviation Challenges
Island Tour
Bad Timing
Canyon Tour
Engine Failure
Mountaintop Landing
Mountaintop Touch-and-Go
Engine Fire
Short Landing
Fuel Leak
Bad Weather Landing
Bird Strike
Alaskan Emergency
Commercial Aviation Challenges
Island Hop
Alaskan Cross Country
Emergency Grand Canyon Landing
Sick Passengers
VOR Cross Country
Innsbruck Visual Approach
ILS Landing
Tough Landing
Landing Gear Failure
Stormy Cross Country
Elevator Failure
Low Visibility ILS
Racing Challenges
Austrian Alps Race
Canyon Run
Helicopter Challenges
Mountain Tour
Canyon Landing
Fighter Challenges
Mountain Bombing Run
Canyon Bombing Run
Short Range Airstrike
Inverted Flyby
Mountain Valley Airstrike
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