X-Plane Support Form What can we help with?: —Please choose an option—PurchasingX-Plane DesktopX-Plane Mobile (phone, tablet) The problem I'm having is: —Please choose an option—Trouble with a digital product keyTrouble updating or installingX-Plane is crashingDifficulty with a 3rd-party add-onSomething else The trouble I'm having with my digital product key is: —Please choose an option—I've lost my product keyMy product key is disabled Try our Key Recovery system here! Please fill out the disabled key inquiry form for assistance. The trouble I'm having updating or installing X-Plane is: —Please choose an option—Permission denied or input/output errorsConnection timed out, or failed to reach authorization server Have you followed these troubleshooting steps? NoYes Have you tried disabling the firewall on your computer or network? NoYes Have you tried removing all third-party plugins, as in these instructions? NoYes Have you tried updating to the latest GPU drivers? Here are some instructions for this! (Windows/Linux Only) NoYes, or not applicable Unfortunately, we cannot assist you with content developed by 3rd-parties. The developers of the content are the best ones to help you with this. Please fill out the following and then press "Send", so we can help you out. Your Name Your Email (required) App Build Version (required) Brief Summary of the Issue Describe the problem (required) Attach the X-Plane log file (required) Attach screenshot of the error message (required) Attach the X-Plane installer log.txt file (required) We maintain an up-to-date list of known issues here. If the issue that you are experiencing is on this list, please do not submit a new bug report. We're on it! Your Name Your Email (required) Issue type (required) —Please choose an option—InstallationMultiplayerSceneryCrashes & PerformanceUpdatesAircraftError MessagesOther Platform (required) —Please choose an option—iOSAndroid Device Model (required) App Build Version (required) Brief Summary of the Issue Describe the problem (required) Please fill out the following and then press "Send", so we can help you out. Your Name Your Email (required) Subject: Message: Additional file attachment (optional) I consent for my personal data (including name, email address, and screenshots) to be used in accordance with this site’s privacy policy. (Your personal information will be used by Laminar Research staff only, and will never be shared with third parties.)[acceptance]