X-Plane Support Form

    Try our Key Recovery system here!

    Please fill out the disabled key inquiry form for assistance.

    Unfortunately, we cannot assist you with content developed by 3rd-parties. The developers of the content are the best ones to help you with this.

    Please fill out the following and then press "Send", so we can help you out.

    We maintain an up-to-date list of known issues here. If the issue that you are experiencing is on this list, please do not submit a new bug report. We're on it!

    Please fill out the following and then press "Send", so we can help you out.

    I consent for my personal data (including name, email address, and screenshots) to be used in accordance with this site’s privacy policy. (Your personal information will be used by Laminar Research staff only, and will never be shared with third parties.)[acceptance]

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