Here are some of our favorite add-ons from the month of May, 2019!
Nothing beats some VFR in the Swiss Alps, right? Frank Dainese and Fabio Bellini’s latest creation for X-Plane is the Eiger Park of southern Switzerland. The small things, like the train stations for example, really bring this package to life.
The Concorde lives again in X-Plane! Colimata released their new Concorde this month as early access. Just remember to take your COG into account while you’re operating this one…
On a much different note, AOA Simulations released their new Vans RV-8 this month. You can even take your pick of the taildragger or tricycle version. This is a perfect model to simulate the Fisk Approach into Oshkosh.
Our friends at RealSimGear are pushing the limits of the hardware market. Their external GPS units are highly realistic but still affordable enough for the home simmer. They also integrate seamlessly in to default X-Plane aircraft.